Singing Guide: Nicole C. Mullen & Kathie Lee Gifford

Singing Guide: Nicole C. Mullen & Kathie Lee Gifford

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Nicole C. Mullen is one of the most influential Gospel music artists of our time. Her unique style and heartfelt lyrics have inspired and touched millions around the world. In this article, we will explore the vocal technique of this amazing singer and learn how to sing like her.

Mullen's voice is characterized by its clarity, range, and power. She has a unique ability to blend genres, mixing traditional Gospel sounds with contemporary Christian and even pop. Her vocal technique is based on proper breath control, vocal relaxation, open throat, and diaphragmatic breathing.

The first thing you need to do in order to sing like Mullen is to know your own voice. Take a vocal range test to determine your own vocal range, key, and style. Use Singing Carrot's vocal range test to know your voice better and compare it with Nicole C. Mullen's vocal range.

Once you have identified your own range, it's time to start practicing breathing exercises. Take a look at Farinelli Breathing video to practice breath support. Breathing Control and Breath Support are common challenges as you sing higher and higher in range. Learn more about breath control by reading about breathing basics and breath support on Singing Carrots Blog.

Mullen's voice is known for its smoothness and clarity, so practicing articulation exercises like a Finger Bite and Good Articulation is important. Practice both exercises to help you achieve that clarity which is one of Mullen's signatures. Open mouth & throat is another important topic for you to understand. Check out this blog post about why to open mouth and throat while singing.

Mullen's vocal range is also very wide, and she uses it to explore different tones and styles. Her voice can be gentle and sweet, or strong and powerful, depending on the song's style. She also uses different vocal registers like chest voice in her lower range or head voice in her high range. Learn more about vocal registers & vocal break on Singing Carrots blog.

Vibrato is another significant factor in Nicole C. Mullen's singing technique. Listen to "Beggars Bounce" chords by Nicole and follow the video to practice, one of the essential aspects of vibrato. Vibrato helps add emotion, power, and beauty to your voice. Nicole sings Middle-School Version of Beggars Bounce to teach you vibrato skills.

Now it is time to explore one of Mullen's songs. Check out "On My Knees," one of her most popular songs. This is the perfect song to showcase Mullen's vocal technique and unique vocal range. You can use the song search function of Singing Carrots to find more songs that fit your vocal range or genre preferences.

Finally, it's essential to remember that singing, like any other skill, takes practice and patience. Consistent practice with Singing Carrots Pitch Training will help you to improve your range and build confidence in your voice. Use Singing Carrots Progress statistics to continually track your progress and to help foster growth. Singing Carrots Educational singing course can also assist in research and learning about techniques and music theory if you're looking to advance your skills further.

By understanding Nicole C. Mullen's vocal techniques, practicing regularly with Singing Carrots resources, and taking care of your voice, you can develop the kind of voice that touches hearts and inspires others.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.